Michael Jackson,,,,The people's entertainer!!!!
The world has lost him now,,, Michael Jackson was unquestionably the biggest pop star
from the '80s, and certainly one of the most popular Singer-songwriter, record producer, musical arranger, dancer, choreographer, actor, author, businessman, financier, inventor of all time. Jackson was an unstoppable juggernaut and he possessed all the tools to dominate the charts seemingly with will. His instantly identifiable voice, eye-popping dance moves, stunning musical versatility, his physically complicated dance techniques, such as the robot and the moonwalk in Billie Jean and loads of sheer star power has made him to the stardom . His 1982 blockbuster THRILLER became the biggest-selling album of all time which remained the first for 37 weeks(probably his best-known accomplishment), and four of his other solo albums are among the world's best-selling records :
BAD (1987),
History:Past,Present,Future,book I(1995)
The web’s response to the passing of music legend Michael Jackson was staggering ...
He remains the Best of all time as the world remember him for his eccentricities!!!!!!!